$5.52 $9.20
Perfect for making and coloring your own tarot cards, art projects, or your Book of Shadows!
This is a bundle of all our individual Black and White Tarot PDF Printables. See individual listings below:
RWS-BnW-Full-Deck-Mini-0.7in (1 pg)
RWS-BnW-Full-Deck-Small-1.1in (6 pg - 1 Full Deck, refill pages for Major Arcana, Wands, Cups, Swords, & Pentacles)
RWS-BnW-Full-Deck-Medium-2.5in (4 pg)
RWS-BnW-Full-Deck-Large-3.7in (10 pg)
RWS-BnW-Full-Deck-Full-Size-4.75in (20 pg)
RWS-BnW-Major-Arcana-Coloring-Book-Horizontal (12 pg) & Portrait (24 pg)
This listing is for 7 digital download PDF for Letter Size paper (8.5" x 11") with 77 total pages. Download is available instantly once Etsy processes your payment.
You can view your digital purchase at the following url: www.etsy.com/your/purchases
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