$4.14 $6.90
Beautiful, high resolution tarot images for any print or digital application! Free to use for Personal or Commercial Use.
-Each card measures 4 in x 2 in
-At 300 ppi, that equals 1200 px x 600 px
-Includes all 56 Minor Arcana png files
When downloaded, files are stored in zipped folders, eleven image files in each folder. Unzip the folders and you will have access to all PNG files.
Perfect for making your own mini tarot cards, art projects, or your Book of Shadows! Also can be imported to use with GoodNotes.
Download is available instantly once Etsy processes your payment.
You can view your digital purchase at the following url: www.etsy.com/your/purchases
You can also access them by clicking the 'You' icon (top right of your screen on etsy.com) then 'Purchases and reviews' - you'll see a Download Files button next to your purchase.
There is also a great Etsy Help article about downloading digital items here: help.etsy.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013328108-Downloading-a-Digital-Item?
Your files will be available to download once payment is confirmed.
Arizona residents will be charged 6.1% sales tax.
Feb 29, 2024
Superschön geworden, tolle Auflösung. Vielen Dank!